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December 2, 2018



If you have ever heard about Master Sujit’s teachings and missed his previous Teacher Training Course, you’d better take this chance to join the HOLISTIC & ADVANCED ASANA Practice in Spring 2019. It is a golden opportunity to deepen your yoga knowledge and improve your flexibility and teaching skills.

《6 Reasons You can’t Miss This Golden Opportunity》

[mkdf_highlight background_color=”#ffa800″ color=”#ffffff”]1、The one and only where you can get the integrated knowledge of classic India Hatha Yoga[/mkdf_highlight]

In the present time many people who practice yoga only chase for the advanced and fancy postures, but never think about the basic foundation is the key to lead you into advanced level of Asanas more safely and effortlessly. So this is a golden opportunity to learn with Master Sujit. The way and contents of Master Sujit’s teaching are based on Classic India Hatha Yoga: Yoga is a way of life and vise versa, everyone can live in yoga. 
Thus, how to improve health, living quality and knowledge of yoga practice are the emphasis of his Teacher’s Training Course. He follows the spirit of “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”: To control life force to make it flow freely in all systems of body. The contents are including Asana, Pranayama, Nadi, Chakra, and Bandha etc.

[mkdf_highlight background_color=”#ffa800″ color=”#ffffff”]2、I already had a certificate of RYT 200, why have I to participate this RYT 100 Holistic and Advance Hatha Yoga?[/mkdf_highlight]

a. RYT 100 training course can be added as your credit of YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuously Education Program).
b. Give you the right concepts according to your body condition and restrictions to find out how to conquer the barriers and blind spots of your practice. And also improve your teaching skills to help your instructions of the advance asana’s teaching. 
 c. You can learn the skills of how to design basic, intermediate and advance asana sequence for both group and individual classes teaching.  

[mkdf_highlight background_color=”#ffa800″ color=”#ffffff”]3、I don’t have a certificate of RYT 200, can I participate this RYT 100 TTC?[/mkdf_highlight]

If you practice yoga for more than 2 years, but did not have time to participate RYT 200 TTC, this 100 HOUR Holistic and Advance Yoga Practice is the golden opportunity for you to get RYT 100 certificate. (You can complete your RYT 200 training course if you participate another RYT 100 in the future.)

[mkdf_highlight background_color=”#ffa800″ color=”#ffffff”]4、I am not a yoga teacher nor had ever trained by any TTC,  can I participate this TTC?[/mkdf_highlight]

Sure, you can. This training can improve your asana practice and advance learning, also develop your knowledge and vision about yogasana, even you are not a yoga teacher or it’s your first TTC.

[mkdf_highlight background_color=”#ffa800″ color=”#ffffff”]5、I am teaching yoga now, why have I to participate this TTC?[/mkdf_highlight]

a. To guide yourself or your students the skills of asana practice, help you and them safely into the advance practice.
b. To improve your teaching skills and how to organize your sequence of advance practice courses. 
c. To get the knowledge of practice and teaching skills about balance postures (hands, legs and head)
d. This TTC is including the following practices:
・pelvis deep stretch
・advanced backward bending   
・advanced forward bending  
・twisting (ardha and purna)

[mkdf_highlight background_color=”#ffa800″ color=”#ffffff”]6、I am not thinking to be a yoga teacher, can I participate this TTC?[/mkdf_highlight]

Even you don’t have intention to be a yoga teacher this is a good chance for you to explore your understanding of yoga and help you to deepen the journey of your yoga learning, to get the right concept about yoga, and to know how to practice yoga in the right way.
It helps you to have a Mindfulness practice too (stress relief and improving concentration), staying in one position quietly to feel whatever feelings and no judgment through the practice of: 
– breathing
– mantra chanting
– mudras
– meditation (on different focus points)

Master Sujit Kumar

出生於印度東北部的哲雪菩(Jamshedpur),5歲開始學習瑜珈,自小開始巡迴印度各城市參加各大瑜珈競賽,拿下無數獎座榮耀,曾連續六年獲得印度東北省瑜珈「冠軍中的冠軍」,更於2006年榮獲印度瑜珈比賽中的最高榮譽頭銜「 Yoga Arjuna 」。無論是「冠軍中的冠軍」或是「Yoga Arjuna」頭銜,至今在他居住的州仍無人能打破他創下的光輝紀錄。

持續的研究進修是一位老師精進並豐富教學內容的必備條件之一,即使累積了在印度、香港與台灣超過長達17年的豐富教學經驗,Master Sujit 仍不間斷地持續進修,維持每年回瑜珈發源地印度進修至少二次,與各地不同派別領域的瑜珈大師學習交流,包括在印度 Bihar School of Yoga 於 Rikhiapeeth 的分校進修瑜珈哲學,如身體五大元素淨化法、生命能量呼吸法、脈輪瑜珈、拙火瑜珈等。Master Sujit為YAI印度國際瑜珈協會認證500小時之資深瑜珈教師/大師(Master)、美國瑜珈聯盟RYT認證教師、QCI印度官方認證國家級瑜珈教師,具有艾楊格瑜珈證書,以及反重力空中瑜珈與兒童瑜珈的專業教學認證,然而瑜珈之路學無止息,目前仍持續於印度SVYASA瑜珈大學進修瑜珈碩士學位。

Master Sujit 對於瑜珈哲學的領會也有他個人的獨特風格,生活裡有瑜珈、瑜珈裡有生活,逐漸發展出一套「Master Sujit 的生活瑜珈 」哲學,這種生活哲學正是瑜珈人最高境界的領略。他常強調:「瑜珈不僅是坐在墊上練習各種不同的體位法而已,瑜珈的修練更是與我們的日常生活息息相關。」 所以總希望學生能夠學習與自己的身體對話,靜下心來慢慢體會感受每一次的練習、並觀察身體的變化與進步,進而將瑜珈練習中啟發的覺知和內觀融入日常生活中。他也說:「傾聽內在自我的聲音,仔細感受每一種體位法的滋味。每一種體位法都有它的獨特味道,即使是練習同一種體位法,也會因為每次練習時身體的狀況不同而體驗到不同的感受。」這也是吸引台灣、香港、東南亞、韓、日各地學生跟隨他學習的主要原因之一。

多年來,Master Sujit一直秉持著「Sthira Sukam Asanam」(體位法練習的之目的即是讓身體維持在一種穩定、舒適的狀態下)精神,以簡單易懂的體位法編排以及對教學的熱忱與耐心,每年透過師資培訓與瑜珈工作坊,不藏私地分享他自己在瑜珈世界中體悟到的各種收穫。他深信「瑜珈即生活」,體現於瑜珈教學之上便是無時無刻以簡單明瞭的方式傳遞印度瑜珈的精髓,並致力於將這一門古老智慧推廣到世界各地,讓更多人能透過瑜珈學習獲得身.心.靈的平衡與健康。在台灣教學的七年多期間,已著有三本瑜珈書籍-《跟著印度老師學瑜珈》、《全家老小不生病的健康瑜珈》、《Sujit老師的七堂神奇瑜珈課》,並受邀擔任「商周良醫健康網」專欄作家。

・QCI 印度國家官方認證之瑜珈指導師
・香港Yoga Yoga International 教師2年以上
・香港YOGATHON教師 3年
・塔塔足球學校-培訓員訓練 1年
・哲雪菩社區中心瑜珈教師 5年
・塔塔射箭學校-培訓員教練 1年
・哲雪菩Keep Fit 學校顧問 4年
・Karmakar 瑜珈學校瑜珈教師 4年
・哲雪菩Modern School 教師 1年

・地區及公開瑜珈冠軍賽金牌 7次
・州瑜珈賽冠軍 14次
・全印度及東印度金牌 3次
・全印度國家冠軍賽銀牌 1次

Teacher Training Course/Admission Seminar

一、6 Reasons You can’t Miss This Golden Opportunity
二、The importance to choose a right and suitable TTC
三、Demonstration of Teaching Skills
四、The theory and reasons why and how yoga can heal the common health problems of day
五、Q & A

Date and Time
16th February 2019(Sat.) 15:30 ~ 17:00

Entry Fee
Members of SSY:Free
Non Members:300 NT$/each (need to pay in advance)
※ This Seminar is only opened for 20 applicants. We will close the application if it is full.

Tuition fee included
① Teacher Training Course、Handout and《全家老小不生病的健康瑜珈》 by Master Sujit
② Utensil for kriya
③ Certificate of RYT 100 or YACEP


匯款銀行 富邦銀行復興分行(012)
匯款帳號 520-102090172
受款人 索莉雅太陽瑜珈有限公司



