Build Power In Your Core!
報名截止日 2月20日
核心瑜珈的基本概念是核心區域力量的訓練,幫助身體保持平衡,進而支撐好健康的脊柱。 核心瑜伽有助於伸展和強化整個身體,尤其是背部和腹部的肌肉。在緩慢而準確的練習當下,同時保持專注於呼吸,這有助於改善血液中的含氧量及舒緩身心。學會核心瑜伽好處多多, 除了提供瑜珈學習者一個堅實的基礎,增加實力和靈活性外,也有助於放鬆身心靈。核心體位法的練習有助於療癒,預防傷害,排毒,刺激體內的系統, 並同時幫助你毫不費力做好體位法。
The basic concept of core yoga is to teach the body to maintain its balance and thus support a healthy spine. Core yoga poses help to stretching and strengthen the whole body, especially the muscles in the back and abdomen. The movements are performed slowly and precisely, while maintaining focus on breathing. This helps in improving oxygenation of the blood and also relaxes the mind. Core yoga poses benefits are numerous. Apart from developing physical strength, provide a strong foundation for beginners who can increase their strength and flexibility , also help in relaxing the mind, in healing, detoxifying, stimulating the body’s systems and also provides assistance in performing other yoga poses
.課程時間:2月25日(三) 19:00~20:30 p.m.
匯款銀行:富邦銀行 復興分行
匯款帳號: 520-102090172
受 款 人:索莉雅太陽瑜珈有限公司