空中瑜珈是一門空中反重力瑜珈在反重力的情況下一些體式更安全不費力的完成可增加關節的靈活性 輕鬆倒立,效果顯著 平均的強化全身肌肉,並增加核心的穩定性釋放快樂激素以達減壓效果通過反重力,改善下垂的內臟器官,和面部鬆弛的肌肉,保持年輕態。
Air yoga, i.e. anti-gravity yoga, makes certain asanas easier for practitioners to achieve, such as the headstand. This type of yoga can effectively facilitate the flexibility of joints, strengthen muscles all over the body, enhance core stability, and help release stress by boosting happy hormones. In addition, anti-gravity can help improve organ prolapse and tighten facial muscles, allowing you to stay young and energetic.