







Meditation is not difficult; take hold of a few key points then you will be able to sort out the train of thoughts and quietly observe yourself through meditation.
There are two ways to choose for practicing meditation:
(1) Flow along with the positive thoughts in your mind, and go with the stream to wander at the moment of meditation.
(2) Imagine yourself as a mountain or a huge rock, steadily mounted and sit still in the presence.

Firstly, choose a comfortable siting position for yourself without hunching your back, neither do you have to particularly straighten your back. Place both hands on the knees, close your eyes, maintain smooth breathing at normal speed, and do not force to hold your breath or inhale, allow everything to happen naturally. After entering meditation practice, lots of random thoughts may occur in your head to disturb your practice, in this case, you may chant “OM” once in your mind at each inhalation and exhalation to dissolve those random thoughts, and pull back your attention from the chaotic mind. You may chant anything enhances your concentration besides “OM.”
At the second stage, your legs naturally become sore and numb due to the time sitting in meditation, however, you should practice to ignore the existence of discomfort, and once your attention is diverted, the discomfort of your legs will gradually fade away naturally. In meditation, how the feelings grow and thought patterns flow will differ among all individuals. Sitting together and being in the same external environment, owing to different personal life experience and background, you will never grow the feeling that is identical to others; the key is to learn to look inside yourself, be aware of the moment and the changes of insight.

It takes determination of wholeheartedness, dedicated attitude, and strong willpower to learn everything, which is hard at the beginning, once you continue the practice, and you only manage to sit one or two minutes longer each time, it’s a one-step-at-a-time progress nevertheless. Slowly, everything will fall into places, and eventually you will be composed and feel at ease though sitting in meditation for up to an hour. “Acceptance” is a lesson all of us have to learn about; whatever happens, allow yourself to be like a sponge, absorbing and internalizing all the noises and vibrations without reacting externally, and in this way, all the happenings will end at the moment of your acceptance without causing ripples, neither will it evolve into any negative effects that may impact yourself.



As the name suggests, Balance Yoga is for achieving the balance of your body, mind, and soul through yoga practice. During the class, you are guided to be profoundly aware of your own body, and strengthen the muscles of your arms, legs, and back through the practice, which enables smooth circulation of inner energy, and helps yourself to achieve perfect balance from head to toe and inside out.



Stretch yoga combining the use of roller to deeply extend and massage all parts of the body, it relaxes your muscles, relieves pelvis tension, increases the flexibility of hip joints, and strengthens muscles.



Breathing is the bridge between mind and body; practicing pranayama activates the inner energy – prana, and coordinates your body, mind and emotions. Meanwhile, practicing the therapeutic asanas could also adjust your spine, strengthen your back muscles and core strength.


知識是用來實踐與經驗的 ,專有名詞並不重要,不需要勉強背誦,重要的是在運動的過程中,更加了解自己身體與幫助自己安全有效的練習。

“Asana Alignment” proceeds in the analysis of asanas, featuring one theme in one class, and extends to relevant asanas. The so-called “Alignment” literally means adjust, straighten, and line up is; during practicing yoga asanas, it combines physiology, biomechanics and anatomy with knowing the direction and the collaboration of bones, joints and muscles, allowing us to safely meditate in postures correctly and let the energy flow. Knowledge is for actual practice and gaining experience, hence the terminology is not important and you don’t have to forcibly memorize it, while the key is to understand your body more and facilitate your safe and effective practice through the process of exercise. Different bodies require different adjustment points, and thus this class requires the participation of everyone. Whether it’s the demonstrator, assistant, or the observer, we hope everyone holds an open attitude as “you are me while as I am you” for learnings. Perhaps you may feel frustrated not being able to achieve certain postures, but your demonstration could be the reference for everyone. As an observer, we should be thankful to the demonstrating classmates for helping us see ourselves. As an assistant, you get to learn more during the assistance since teaching benefits the teacher as well.



The Sanskrit word Svāsthya means comfortable, peaceful, healthy, illness-free; asana means postures, so Svāsthyasana means the yoga postures that are beneficial to health. Yoga asana is influential to glands, nerves, muscles and all organs, which is beneficial to the body, while body health will also affect your mental status.
Practicing yoga asanas applies pressure to endocrine glands, that enables glands to produce hormones regularly. While hormones influence emotions, the balanced emotions help us not only in concentration and meditation, but enhance the growth of our body, mind and soul at the same time.



Chakra Yoga is an integral practice which combines Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Rajadhiraja Yoga, and the teaching of Bhagavad Gita, focusing on the balance and purification of three nadis, seven chakras, and glands. In the practice, three bandha and the five types of prana vayus are energized through breathing, and the energy activates skeleton and muscles without over emphasizing the extreme stretch of muscle groups and joints; the practice is further extended to naturally bond with our lifestyle, all beings, and the supreme.



Holistic Yoga, is a practice to clean and perfect the body for proper energy transmission. Holistic Yoga, is based on Shivanada teaching style which encourage to discover and listen to your own inner selves and create the total balance to body and mind.



The core, or abdominal wall musculature is the bridge between the torso and lower body. Practice core yoga to improve balance and stability. One needs to train the muscles in pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. So that those areas can move in harmony and this lead to better balance and stability. In most sports and yoga practice, strong core is essential. Also tone up abs by strengthening and toning up the underlying muscles. Strong core make things easier: bending down to tie your shoe laces, walk better and faster. Weak core muscles will lead to bad postures, hence you get back/neck pain. This will also lead to muscles injuries.



By integrating Ashtanga, which emphasizes alignment and strength, traditional hatha yoga allows students to not only learn about the basic skills and standard postures of each asana but also acquire inner peace through aligned moves which are coupled with breath. Hatha yoga can lay the foundation for long-term yoga practice for beginners and take experienced practitioners a step further to the most stable and comfortable poses.